Evidence synthesis for typhoid conjugate vaccine introduction in India
Assess chikungunya epidemiology and stakeholders perception to inform vaccine development
Human papillomavirus
HPV vaccine impact modelling in low- and middle-income countries (VIMC)
Contextualizing HPV vaccination decision-making among adolescent girls in Japan
Streptococcus A
Full value of vaccine assessment for potential Strep A vaccines (SAVAC)
Rota virus
Potential health impact and cost-effectiveness of rotavirus vaccination in Afghanistan
Impact and benefit-risk of COVID-19 dosing interval strategies
Childhood immunisation
Benefit-risk assessment of routine childhood immunisation during the COVID-19 pandemic
Antimicrobial resistance
Bacterial antimicrobial resistance burden avertable by vaccination
Development of vaccine and AMR monitoring using the One Health approach in Thailand and Laos PDR community
Additional benefit of pneumococcal vaccine among elderly population in Japan and Thailand